Do you also feel the unsettling psychological impact of the threat of Covid-19 and of the isolation from others? Even though the rate of infection is almost nonexistent in my little province – we haven’t had a single case in our village. – it is that imaginary threatening future that always hangs in the air.
Thankfully, I have my art and that is a constant and consistent norm. I also have a kind, loving husband and we have 2 faraway adult children with whom we are in fairly regular contact. All of these are blessings.
And suddenly, in the midst of all of this, Spring and life are emerging again and I’m facing actual deadlines!
I’m pushing that Sisyphus rock up the hill slowly, getting ready for hanging paintings in May in two different galleries. One of them involves reestablishing our co-op gallery in a new location…more to come on that soon.
3 weeks ago I made a video to show you whats happening in the studio along with a peek at some of my new paintings!
Since making the video, we’ve had some sunny and warmish days with no snow. I believe now is the very best time of year to paint outside.
The blackflies don’t come out in full force until the apple blossoms bloom in May so the next six weeks are perfect for sitting out by the Pond and sketching or painting.
Recently, I took myself out to the Pond along with my luscious French Sennelier oil pastels.

This pastel painting has a bit of a sombre look. Perhaps it’s because of the royal blue paper I used and maybe its also to do with those “imaginary threatening future” thoughts .
I am fascinated by water reflections. Its a better way of seeing all the dimensions around us.
Keep well and keep safe. And enjoy this gift of Spring.
PS: Expect to hear from me a bit more regularly as I prepare paintings for May viewing and try to effectively multi-task. 😉
You are such a talented artist! Very beautiful paintings…
Thank you Kathy! And I very much enjoy reading your blog.