The Patterns in the River

I am very excited about these images of the foam on the river as the tide came in today. There are so many patterns and variations.

I want to play with these in Photoshop and see what I can do with sandwiching the layers together to come up with a new interpretation.
I have spent the last few weeks immersed in colour after organizing for my art show in the village. After spending last weekend talking to friends and visitors about my colourful watercolours, it feels good this week to experience  the absence of colour.
Yesterday I pulled out my watercolours  and painted this remembered lake. The marks are created with epsom salts! It turns out to be the perfect type of salt to use for creating this effect.
It was exciting today to see this type of patterning repeated in the river.




You’re invited to Hearts and Flowers

Art - Hearts and Flowers

This show is a thank-you to my community and admirers for your wonderful support of me and my paintings. I have never shown my watercolours in Nova Scotia and the vast majority of these paintings have never been exhibited. A few of the works are watercolour monoprints. (also one-of-a-kind) At this point in my career as a painter, it’s time to say goodbye to drawers of work to make way for new works. For this reason, the works are for sale this month only at “thank-you” prices from $20 to $175. Shipping is extra.  Please email me if you have questions.

Here is a slide show of all the works. Where no ruler is shown, the pieces are about 11″ x 15″.

Here are photos from the show:


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