During this pandemic, I have been super privileged with being able to stay home with Larry. There is a silver lining to being a ‘senior’. And yet, it’s been disturbing to guess the future of the world and to see the misery the pandemic has brought worldwide to many. I’ve missed meeting with friends and family and all our regular routines now seem like out of another lifetime.
And yet, I have my painting practice and I’ve appreciated that, very, very much.
This winter, the Teichert Gallery in Halifax asked their artists to create paintings with the theme “Stay the Blazes Home”. This phrase was used by Nova Scotia’s Premier in one of his many online pep-talks to encourage people to self-isolate during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Using that theme, I created a collaged painting and have made a short video about the making of it for you.
‘Social Distancing’ is a contradiction in terms. To be social means to be with others. To be distant means to be alone. This pandemic forces us into a solitary, confined space which may be necessary for our physical well-being, but is a challenge to our mental equilibrium.
And although this person has a lovely hot drink and flowers, there is no-one to share it with. Instead, there is just a longing for life beyond the window.
Hi Flora, I am proud of you. Incredible art. The pandemic for me has meant online teaching, which is
5 times the classroom load. Seeing your work makes me long for the studio. You always inspire me.
Super blog and art. Have fun.
Thanks Barbara. I know you are an amazing LIVE teacher and LIVE artist too! It must be frustrating and I hope you get some good art time soon! I love your painting and your blogs too.
Liebe Flora Dank für Dein neues Video. Ich freue mich über das was DU machst und wie aktiv Su zu Werke gehst. Aber das war ja schon immer so seit ich Dich kenne. Wir haben unser Haus verkauft und wohnen jetzt in Gardelegen wo unsere Kinder leben.Inge wird 90 und ich werde demnächst 94 Jahre alt und arbeiten immer noch. Ein Malerleben ist eben wunderbar. Ganz liebe und herzliche Grüße an Larry und für Dich .Frohes Schaffen und bleibt gesund! Herzlichst Wolfram
Liebe Grüsse Wolfram.
Mein lieber Wolfram,
Es ist wunderbar, Deine Nachricht zu erhalten!
Ich bin froh, dass es dir und Inge gut geht. Es muss eine große Veränderung sein, sich von Ihrer bukolischen Farm und Deinem riesigen Studio zu entfernen. Aber das Hübsch Dorf, in dem Ihr sich befindet, sieht mittelalterlich aus und erinnert mich an die Schone Heimatstadt meines Vaters Altenburg. Hast Du deswegens dein Malthema geändert?
Ich bin so froh, dass Du meinem Blog folgst. Vielleicht kannst Du auch einen Blog oder eine Instagram-Seite erstellen, damit ich sehen kann, was Du auch tuest!
Wir sind so glücklich, Künst machen zu können.
Herzliche Wünsche an Dich und Inge von Larry und mir.
Unser Sohn ist übrigens im Februar nach Berlin gezogen. Wenn das Coronavirus fertig ist, können wir Uns möglicherweise wieder besuchen.
Es wäre wundervoll!
xo Flora
My Dear Wolfram,
It is wonderful to get your message!
I am glad that you and Inge are well. It must be a big change to move away from your bucolic farm and huge studio. That village you are in looks medieval and reminds me of my father’s hometown pretty Altenburg. Have you changed your painting subject matter ?
I am so happy that you follow my blog. Maybe it’s time you created a blog too or an instagram page so that I could see what you are doing too!
We are so lucky to be artists.
Warm wishes to you and Inge from Larry and me.
By the way, our son moved to Berlin in February. Maybe when the coronavirus is finished, we will be able to visit you again.
That would be wonderful!
xo Flora