Paint the Town is THIS WEEKEND…. but with a Covid-19 twist.
Instead of hordes of artists and collectors congregating in Annapolis Royal for this annual arts festival, the event has been scaled down and will be online.
For me, this means I can paint at home in my studio and garden and post pictures of my progress online on Instagram and Facebook. So will a total of 25 artists.
Collectors can bid on the 25 paintings on Monday August 17, from 1 – 8 pm ADT
It will be convenient for me to paint at home – I won’t have to pack my usual gear:
- small canvases
- sawtooth hangers & hammer
- brushes
- palette
- acrylic paints
- gel medium
- matt medium
- spray bottle
- latex gloves
- colour shaper
- sealed water container
- 2 yogurt containers
- rags
- Charcoal
- sketch book & paper
- marker
- Artbar crayons
- spray fixative
- French easel
- drawing boards
- stool
- clips
- 3 plastic bags
- lunch
- water
- sunblock
- insect repellent
- hat
- raincoat
- business cards
- camera
- bungee cords and bundle buggy
- small canvases
My favorite spot during Paint the Town was in the Historic Gardens. This was created at the lower pond. There usually was shade and a breeze.

Please view my progress throughout the weekend of August 15 and 16, 2020 on Instagram or on facebook. I will post all of the paintings I create over the weekend. All artists are only allowed to submit one painting to the auction, so please help me choose by ‘liking’ your favorite(s).
My paintings will be on 9″ x 12″ canvases. Painting sales are shared between the Annapolis Regional Community Arts Council (ARCAC) and the artist. This is a major annual fundraiser for the Arts Council so check out all the works of the 25 artists and get ready to bid on Monday, August 17, 2020. Unfortunately, auctioned works cannot be shipped outside of Canada. However, if you MUST have a painting of mine, I do ship my studio paintings that are on my website. <3
Stay cool and enjoy the weekend. I am hoping for rain….but on Monday!