Right now my kitchen is filling with the smells of coconut butter, oatmeal, walnut cookies.
Continue readingWhen Cookies Baking in the Oven and Gallery-Opening-Time Coincide

Right now my kitchen is filling with the smells of coconut butter, oatmeal, walnut cookies.
Continue reading“Left a good Job in the City. Workin’ for the Man Every Night and Day…” Proud Mary, John Fogarty
Thirteen years ago, my husband and I ditched our jobs in the big city and moved to this sparsely populated province. Our dreams were all about creativity and community. I yearned for the luxury of having time to paint. I yearned for nature. And I hoped I would be able to find a market for my artwork. Continue reading
Paint the Town is THIS WEEKEND…. but with a Covid-19 twist.
Instead of hordes of artists and collectors congregating in Annapolis Royal for this annual arts festival, the event has been scaled down and will be online.
For me, this means I can paint at home in my studio and garden and post pictures of my progress online on Instagram and Facebook. So will a total of 25 artists. Continue reading
I belong to a Co-op Gallery that I co-founded with other Artists in this village in 2015.
This year, for the first time, The Bear River Artworks Gallery has invited artists across the province to join us for a special ‘Leap Year’ Exhibition. Continue reading
Let me squeeze under the wire and wish you a Happy New Year before this first month of 2019 ends!
I love that January feels like that reflective month when it’s OK to throw caution to the wind and change your mind, your direction and to question everything you’re doing. Continue reading
On Saturday March 31, I’ll be in a group show with potters Deb Kuzyk & Ray Mackie and painter Wayne Boucher. It’s another example of my dream-come-true in moving to Nova Scotia. This time, you’re invited! But let me start at the beginning.
Over 10 years ago, on my very first visit to the Annapolis Valley, I wandered into the Lucky Rabbit Pottery Store in Annapolis Royal. I was blown away.
I’ve been enjoying the euphoric aftermath that comes from a successful art show – the result of a winter of intensive painting. The accomplishment of a completed project is a good feeling, don’t you think? Continue reading
My exhibition in Bear River opens in 6 days and I’m finishing up edges of paintings and varnishing and putting the wiring on the backs of the canvases. (Thank you Larry for that part.)
This part is fairly tedious compared to painting and I have to hold myself back from starting anything new.
And now, in my opinion, I am faced with the toughest job – finding titles for the paintings. Continue reading
I paint because I’m in love with my subject and I am delighted by the process of applying colour to a blank surface.
In the book Art and Fear the writers suggest that the observers who admire the finished piece of work have no interest in the artist’s process:
MAKING ART AND VIEWING ART ARE DIFFERENT AT THEIR CORE. To all reviewers but yourself, what matters is the product: the finished artwork…In fact there’s generally no good reason why others should care about most of any one artist’s work. The function of the overwhelming majority of your artwork is simply to teach you how to make the small fraction of your artwork that soars. One of the basic and difficult lessons every artist must learn is that even the failed pieces are essential.
It’s amazing what a little bit of sunshine and blue sky does to lift spirits at this time of year. Tomorrow we’re expecting 12 Celsius- positively heat wave weather! Although we will likely have at least one more winter storm, in the here and now, it feels and smells like spring. I love it! Continue reading