When Japanese Iris and Lupins are established in the garden, their roots are strong and almost unmoveable. Indeed, it would take a backhoe to lift the iris clump that has settled and spread in my garden for over 10 years.
In the winter time, there is really no trace of either the Lupin or the Iris plants but their deep roots reach down beyond the frost line and continue to nurture the sleeping plants.
And when they emerge in Spring, they rise on tall, strong stocks that reach 4 and 5 feet high. This annual miracle is always a delightful surprise.
This week in yoga class, our new move was described as rooting our legs and feet down as if into the earth, and reaching up our arms to the sun. I immediately thought of these gorgeous purple flowers in this new painting. and the title was there!
This painting will hang later this week at Bear River Artworks Gallery and is looking for a new home.